First of all, I am not rich yet. But because I have been focusing on manifestations and positive energy lately, I like to consider myself a wealthy person in many aspects of my life. Even though I’ve been practicing these manifestations and trying to attract positive energy, I am still an analytical person and stay grounded in reality.

I am also observant, so when I enrolled at a prestigious fashion school, I met rich people and learned many things just by observing them. I learned even more when I started having conversations with them and spending time with them. Here are some valuable things I learned while associating with my wealthy classmates:

A Different Reality

Coming from a different background myself, I can see how our realities can sometimes clash. It took some adjustment to understand their perspectives. I was used to having friends with the same or even less money than I have, so I experienced culture shock. Then, I realized that it is not their fault that they have a different reality, and it is not their fault that they don’t know what “suffering” means to me, just as I don’t know what “suffering” means to them. This insight is especially helpful from a parent’s point of view when considering how to raise my kids.

Appearance is Overrated

One of the biggest surprises was their attitude towards clothing. I noticed that most of them, even when living in exclusive, very expensive neighborhoods that only top 1% of Filipino can afford, don’t care about what they wear. They look decent, but they got nothing to prove. I was surprised to see this and witness it myself. They don’t have designer bags even though we are studying fashion and none of them wear any luxury brands even though they can afford them. I noticed that most of them prioritize spending their money on experiences and art. I was really inspired and motivated to stop pleasing people and stop overthinking what others might think of me. By the way, this is not to ridicule people who love luxury brands—I totally respect them, their money, their choice.

Lost in Translation

I had to speak English all the time at school because they don’t understand some Tagalog terms, especially those used in the streets. Because of this, I realized that I curse too much and needed to stop, not because I want to be like them but because it is the right thing to do if you want to be respected. I started to listen more. I realized that they are all well-spoken and articulate, which inspired me to improve my communication skills, both oral and written.

Obsessed with Positivity

I noticed that most of them are obsessed with positivity, health, and positive energy. It is because of them that I started doing manifestations and writing down all of my desires. One of my classmates once said to me that he would rather not give energy to any negative things, and that totally changed my life!

Rich and Offline

Interestingly, my wealthy classmates aren’t active on social media. This doesn’t surprise me, considering how toxic it can be. But it seems they simply don’t have time for it! One classmate, who’s only 21, mentioned she quit social media 6 years ago. Now that’s maturity for you! Their focus is clearly on real-life experiences and what’s happening in the present moment.

One funny memory involves me casually mentioning I deleted all my social media (Except for Facebook, I use it for work). A classmate jokingly replied, “Aha! You finally realized you’re too smart for social media!” Honestly, it hadn’t even crossed my mind!

Smart Spending

They are all thrifty and don’t spend money on unnecessary things. I always bring my own food, not just to avoid fast food and junk foods but because I want to save money. When I was working in corporate, only those with “extra” money could eat at fast food chains. I thought that eating out was a rich-people thing, but to my surprise, most of them bring their own food as well. They save money and make healthier choices. I also noticed that they don’t have fancy stuff but mostly “reliable” stuff. For example, they don’t have the latest phone models, as long as their current ones still work. They use all their belongings, such as pencils, until they are completely used up. (This made me realize how poor people are in the corporate world. Lol!)

These are just observations from my wealthy classmates. For sure, there are different behaviors among different types of rich people, but these are based on my experiences. I am very lucky to know them, not just for networking but also because I learned so much from them. I used to please people a lot and think that having fancy things would give me validation. Knowing them has made me realize that there is more to life than being rich, and I’m glad that we are all having fun at school, learning new things.